1. Comp City - By Max Rubin

Probably the greatest gambling book ever written. Max highly recommends it.


2. Gambling Wizards — By Richard Munchkin

It’s chock-full of interviews with the greatest gamblers the world
has ever known.


3. Kill Phil - By Blair Rodman and Lee Nelson

This is the best poker book I've ever read. Why? Because the premise is simple. MOVE IN!. It’s a great beginner to intermediate strategy for winning big poker tournaments and their mantra “move in.” And that’s what makes poker fun.


4. Play to Win - By Kenny Einiger

This is the best tournament blackjack book ever written.
Penned by the reigning World Champion, it’s an easy read
that shows you everything you need to know, from finding a
tournament to how to behave to cashing in. A must read for
anyone interested in going on the blackjack tourney trail.

5. Beyond Counting - By James Grosjean

They’re way out of print, but I can find you one for a scant $1,200
and it will be personally autographed with any message you want.
Just contact me at

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